BOE Minutes - 1/11/2016
January 12, 2016
REGULAR MEETING – January 11, 2016
Minutes of the board meeting are not official until after approval at the next regularly scheduled board
The Board of Education of USD #511 met in regular session on Monday January 11, 2015 and was called
to order by President Lynda Newberry at 6:00pm. Members present included Jolene Peterson, Tye
McDaniel, Brett Traffas, Rogena Grigsby, Eric Dark, and Roger Goodman. Guests present were Danton
Hilton, Kate Hankins and Cindy Warren. Also present was Superintendent Dale Adams, Principal Josh
Lanning, and Clerk of the Board Amie Loreg.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance.
President Lynda Newberry recognized guests.
To begin, Danton Hilton addressed the board with a technology update. He said the monitoring of the
chromebooks shows a good amount of usage in most high school classes. After having students turn the
equipment in over break he discovered that accidental and irresponsible practice will result in several of
the deposits being kept at the end of the year. Danton talked about the website being up and running
and stated that he is open to ideas about new items to add. The board commented that they were
pleased with the look of it. He spoke about GoGuardian, the program currently being used to monitor
the chromebooks stating it’s worked well. More recently the addition of teacher monitoring was added,
giving each teacher the ability to see what page the students are viewing, as well as the ability to close
the page if necessary.
Danton also met with the board as senior class sponsor. He asked the board to allow the seniors to plan
their 24hour trip for a date later than spring break, stating more options, like water parks, are available
by waiting until the end of March through April.
Danton left at 6:13pm.
Tye McDaniel moved and Roger Goodman seconded to approve the amended agenda to negate an
executive session on the agenda for negotiations sick leave bank and to add an executive session for
personnel as item 9a-1. 7-0, motion carried.
Tye McDaniel moved and Roger Goodman seconded to approve the consent agenda to include the new
hires of Josh Lanning as Yearbook Sponsor, Christy Mans and Jennifer Rausch as 8th Grade Class
Sponsors, and Amber Wood as 7th Grade Class Sponsor. 6-1 (Eric Dark), motion carried.
Special Education: Mr. Adams reported that two paras had been hired to fill the open positions but one
never reported to work. The other is slated to being January 18th.
Curriculum: The new Student of the Month program in the elementary has started. On January 21st 3rd-
5th grades will go to South Haven to do The Body Walk program. The first half of the testing schedule
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will begin in February, while the 2nd half will take place in March. Many high school students are
expected to attend the Pratt Academic Olympics at Pratt Community College. There was a change made
to the current Odyssey Ware programs where students are being monitored by Mrs. Hankins, so far this
change has had a positive impact on the completion of work by the students enrolled.
Summer Rec: Attica hosted Bitty Basketball games the weekend of January 9th. We are slated to host
again the weekend of January 16th and then again during the tournament in February.
Transportation Log: Mr. Adams reported that it in the works to add a column of monthly vehicle repair
expenditures to this report.
Budget Summary of Funds: Mr. Adams broke down for the board where the accounts are currently,
stating that we are where we would expect at this time according to the budget report.
Old Business: Controlled Building Access – Mr. Adams met with 3 Delta Security to go over the process
and ask questions about a new door system. He reported to the board that he would like to start with
the high school building and eventually install something similar at the Wellness Center. Eric Dark
moved and Brett Traffas seconded to approve the installation of a controlled access system by 3 Delta
Security at the high school building. 7-0, motion carried.
Roger Goodman moved and Jolene Peterson seconded to go into executive session to discuss non
elected personnel to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual for 5 minutes to be
discussed with the board and Mr. Adams. 7-0, motion carried.
Classified Stipends – Tabled
Tye McDaniel moved and Roger Goodman seconded to go into executive session to discuss non elected
personnel to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual for 5 minutes to be discussed with
the board. 7-0, motion carried.
Rogena Grigsby moved and Eric Dark seconded to extend Mr. Dale Adams a one year extension to his
existing Superintendent contract with compensation to be determined at a later date. 7-0, motion
Vehicle - Mr. Adams presented a bid from Newberry Family Auto to trade off some of the schools
existing vehicles for new. After discussion the item was tabled.
Drug Dogs - Mr. Adams shared with the board a letter he received from a drug dog company and
expressed his interest in using a local program to come into the school. The board agreed that they
would like to see something happen. Mr. Lanning stated he would contact local law enforcement.
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Legislative Post Audit - Mr. Adams informed the board that the school had been selected for, and is
beginning the process of, a Legislative Post Audit. He commented that he is expecting the state to
request a lot of information.
Board Meeting Dates – Tye McDaniel moved and Roger Goodman seconded to move the February 8th
board meeting to February 10th due to a conflict with a junior high basketball game and to move the
March 14th board meeting to March 7th due to March 14th falling during spring break. 7-0, motion
The board looked over the negotiations time line that was included in their packets.
Senior Trip – Tye McDaniel moved and Eric Dark seconded to allow the seniors choose a date for the
senior trip other than during spring break. 7-0, motion carried.
Board Comments: Tye McDaniel mentioned that Mrs. Vandeveer had done some alterations to some of
the basketball uniforms and asked for consideration of compensation for her effort. The board agreed
with him. Mr. Adams stated he would make contact to get a bill.
Administration Reports: Mr. Adams discussed what is being referred to administration realignment, or
the shifting of central office duties to a nearby, larger, school district. This is not yet a practice but has
been discussed at higher levels within the state. Another discussion currently circulating is having all
central office duties preformed by Service Centers instead of in house. He reminded and invited the
board to attend the inservice on January 14th with Dr. Watson.
Mr. Lanning mentioned that he plans to have a rough draft of next year’s schedule by spring break for
the board to view.
Jolene Peterson moved and Roger Goodman seconded to go into executive session to discuss
negotiations to order to protect the district’s right to the confidentiality of its negotiating position, and
the public interest for 10 minutes with the board and Mr. Adams 7-0, motions carried.
Eric Dark moved and Brett Traffas seconded to go into executive session to discuss nonelected
personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of an identifiable individual for 15 minutes with the
board, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Lanning. 7-0, motion carried.
Eric Dark moved and Brett Traffas seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:12pm. 7-0, motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned,
Amie Loreg
Clerk of the Board of Education 511